Zeroless numbers n = concat(s,t) such that s * t is the 10’s complement of the digits of n.
75, 92, 696, 794, 921, 6946, 9211, 9418, 67365, 69446, 73515, 92111, 92592, 584799, 653597, 694446, 921111, 5793295, 6693466, 6944446, 7145554, 7694443, 9211111, 58788989, 61728398, 66733665, 69444446, 72175395, 76445374, 88183426, 89245679, 91721145, 92111111, 92592592
Numbers of the form concat(92,(10^k - 1)/9) and concat(69,4*(10^k - 1)/9,6) for k>0 are part of the sequence.
The first digit of a term must be 5 or higher. Numbers of the form 925925...92592 are terms, i.e. concatenate 925 m times for m >= 0 and append 92. Numbers of the form concat(2*(10^k-1)/3,9,(10^(k-1)-1)/3,4,2*(10^k-1)/3) for k > 1 are also terms. It also works for the case k=1 if the middle 0 that results is removed. If a term n is even, then the digits of n besides the least significant digit must contain either 4 or 9. If a term n is odd and not divisible by 5, then the digits of n besides the least significant digit must contain 9. - Chai Wah Wu, May 10 2017
75 = concat(7,5) and 7 * 5 = 35 is the 10’s complement of 75.
584799 = concat(58479,9) and 58479 * 9 = 526311 is the 10’s complement of 584799.
7694443 = concat(769,4443) and 769 * 4443 = 3416667 is the 10’s complement of 7694443.
P:=proc(q) local a, b, c, d, k, ok, n; for n from 1 to q do b:=ilog10(n)+1; c:=n; ok:=1;
d:=0; for k from 1 to b do if (c mod 10)>0 then a:=(10-(c mod 10)); d:=d+10^(k-1)*a; c:=trunc(c/10); else ok:=0; break; fi; od; if ok=1 then for k from 1 to b do
if d=(n mod 10^k)*trunc(n/10^k) then print(n); fi; od; fi; od; end: P(10^7);
Sequence in context: A095557 A247272 A272023 * A107077 A039485 A226475
Paolo P. Lava, May 08 2017