%I #4 Apr 05 2017 07:50:53
%S 4,3,2,1,0,23,18,13,8,3,22,17,12,7,2,21,16,11,6,1,20,15,10,5,0,123,98,
%T 73,48,23,118,93,68,43,18,113,88,63,38,13,108,83,58,33,8,103,78,53,28,
%U 3,122,97,72,47,22,117,92,67,42,17,112,87,62,37,12,107,82
%N Write in base k, complement, reverse. Case k = 5.
%e a(11) = 17 because 11 in base 5 is 21, its complement in base 5 is 23 and the digit reverse is 32 that is 17 in base 10.
%p P:=proc(q,h) local a,b,k,n; print(h-1); for n from 1 to q do a:=convert(n,base,h); b:=0;
%p for k from 1 to nops(a) do a[k]:=h-1-a[k]; b:=h*b+a[k]; od; print(b); od; end: P(10^2,5);
%Y Cf. A036044, A267193, A284802.
%K nonn,base,easy
%O 0,1
%A _Paolo P. Lava_, Apr 03 2017