Relative of Hofstadter Q-sequence: a(1) = 41, a(2) = 2; thereafter a(n) = a(n-a(n-1)) + a(n-a(n-2)).

%I #4 Mar 19 2017 19:26:02

%S 41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,

%T 2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,2,41,43,2,84,2,84,2,84,2,84,2,84,2,84,

%U 2,84,2,84,2,84,2,84,2,84,2,84,2,84,2,84,2,84,2,84,2

%N Relative of Hofstadter Q-sequence: a(1) = 41, a(2) = 2; thereafter a(n) = a(n-a(n-1)) + a(n-a(n-2)).

%C In calculating terms of this sequence, use the convention that a(n)=0 for n<=0.

%C Most terms in this sequence alternate between 2 and a large constant. Such runs of terms are eventually separated by either 224 or 562 other terms, and each run is approximately twice as long as the previous.

%H Nathan Fox, <a href="/A283895/b283895.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..50000</a>

%p A283895:=proc(n) option remember: if n <= 0 then 0: elif n = 1 then 41: elif n = 2 then 2: else A283895(n-A283895(n-1)) + A283895(n-A283895(n-2)): fi: end:

%Y Cf. A005185, A278066, A278067, A278068, A283893, A283894, A283896, A283897.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Nathan Fox_, Mar 19 2017