Intersection of A003052 and A283002.

%I #19 Feb 07 2019 12:52:33

%S 1,3,5,7,9,31,53,75,97,1109,1210,1311,1412,1513,1614,1715,1816,1917,

%T 10098,11110,11211,11312,11413,11514,11615,11716,11817,11918,20099,

%U 21111,21212,21313,21414,21515,21616,21717,21818,21919,30100,31112

%N Intersection of A003052 and A283002.

%C Numbers which do not have a partition with multiplicities at most nine into parts {2, 11, 101, 1001, ...} or {2, 20, 101, 1010, ...}. - _Charlie Neder_, Feb 06 2019

%t selfQ[n_, b_] := Catch[Block[{d = Length[IntegerDigits[n, b]]}, Do[If[k + Total@ IntegerDigits[k, b] == n, Throw@False], {k, Max[0, n - (b-1) d], n-1}]; True]]; Select[ Range[31112], selfQ[#, 10] && selfQ[#, 100] &] (* _Giovanni Resta_, Feb 28 2017 *)

%Y Cf. A003052, A283002.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,2

%A _Peter Weiss_, Feb 26 2017