Number of nX5 0..2 arrays with no element equal to a strict majority of its horizontal and antidiagonal neighbors, with the exception of exactly one element, and with new values introduced in order 0 sequentially upwards.

%I #4 Dec 15 2016 11:01:38

%S 14,2212,406200,72177144,12490527012,2121871518232,355347019237332,

%T 58835479020749472,9651371153656703340,1571020467270689259744,

%U 254061714988118013529260,40857315122339646469304952

%N Number of nX5 0..2 arrays with no element equal to a strict majority of its horizontal and antidiagonal neighbors, with the exception of exactly one element, and with new values introduced in order 0 sequentially upwards.

%C Column 5 of A279580.

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A279577/b279577.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..109</a>

%F Empirical: a(n) = 382*a(n-1) -50305*a(n-2) +2871200*a(n-3) -94085542*a(n-4) +2033673964*a(n-5) -31323134438*a(n-6) +360351518936*a(n-7) -3191787274585*a(n-8) +22204430755670*a(n-9) -122891765830585*a(n-10) +545254903490696*a(n-11) -1946328692624160*a(n-12) +5591111591184704*a(n-13) -12896297812731328*a(n-14) +23789745353433088*a(n-15) -34932967814302720*a(n-16) +40652750586830848*a(n-17) -37360892198162432*a(n-18) +27037443205365760*a(n-19) -15357367442931712*a(n-20) +6809669313757184*a(n-21) -2333827410165760*a(n-22) +607305599025152*a(n-23) -116364308119552*a(n-24) +15575094919168*a(n-25) -1325668499456*a(n-26) +60129542144*a(n-27) -1073741824*a(n-28) for n>29

%e Some solutions for n=2

%e ..0..1..0..1..0. .0..1..2..0..1. .0..1..0..2..0. .0..1..2..2..2

%e ..0..2..0..2..2. .2..2..1..2..1. .2..1..1..1..2. .2..1..2..0..2

%Y Cf. A279580.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Dec 15 2016