Note that the terms in the n-th row are the same as the terms in the n-th row of triangle A280851, but in some rows the terms appear in distinct order. First differs from A280851 at a(28) = T(15,3). - Omar E. Pol, Apr 24 2018
Row n in the triangle is a sequence of A250068(n) symmetric sections, each section consisting of the sizes of the subparts on that level in the symmetric representation of sigma of n - from the top down in the images below or left to right as drawn in A237593. - Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Sep 05 2021
Triangle begins (first 15 rows):
[2, 2];
[3, 3];
[11], [1];
[4, 4];
[5, 3, 5];
[9, 9];
[6, 6];
[23], [5];
[7, 7];
[12, 12];
[8, 7, 8], [1];
For n = 12 we have that the 11th row of triangle A237593 is [6, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 6] and the 12th row of the same triangle is [7, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 7], so the diagram of the symmetric representation of sigma(12) = 28 is constructed as shown below in Figure 1:
. _ _
. | | | |
. | | | |
. | | | |
. | | | |
. | | | |
. _ _ _| | _ _ _| |
. _| _ _| _| _ _ _|
. _| | _| _| |
. | _| | _| _|
. | _ _| | |_ _|
. _ _ _ _ _ _| | 28 _ _ _ _ _ _| | 5
. |_ _ _ _ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _ _ _ _|
. 23
. Figure 1. The symmetric Figure 2. After the dissection
. representation of sigma(12) of the symmetric representation
. has only one part which of sigma(12) into layers of
. contains 28 cells, so width 1 we can see two "subparts"
. the 12th row of the that contain 23 and 5 cells
. triangle A237270 is [28]. respectively, so the 12th row of
. this triangle is [23], [5].
For n = 15 we have that the 14th row of triangle A237593 is [8, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 8] and the 15th row of the same triangle is [8, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 8], so the diagram of the symmetric representation of sigma(15) = 24 is constructed as shown below in Figure 3:
. _ _
. | | | |
. | | | |
. | | | |
. | | | |
. | | | |
. | | | |
. | | | |
. _ _ _|_| _ _ _|_|
. _ _| | 8 _ _| | 8
. | _| | _ _|
. _| _| _| |_|
. |_ _| 8 |_ _| 1
. | | 7
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
. |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
. 8 8
. Figure 3. The symmetric Figure 4. After the dissection
. representation of sigma(15) of the symmetric representation
. has three parts of size 8 of sigma(15) into layers of
. because every part contains width 1 we can see four "subparts".
. 8 cells, so the 15th row of The first layer has three subparts:
. triangle A237270 is [8, 8, 8]. 8, 7, 8. The second layer has
. only one subpart of size 1, so
. the 15th row of this triangle is
. [8, 7, 8], [1].
The smallest even number with 3 levels is 60; its row of subparts is: [119], [37], [6, 6]. The smallest odd number with 3 levels is 315; its row of subparts is: [158, 207, 158], [11, 26, 5, 9, 5, 26, 11], [4, 4]. - Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Sep 05 2021
(* support functions are defined in aA237593 and A262045 *)
subP[level_] := Module[{s=Map[Apply[Plus, #]&, Select[level, First[#]!=0&]]}, If[OddQ[Length[s]], s[[(Length[s]+1)/2]]-=1]; s]
a279391[n_] := Module[{widL=a262045[n], lenL=a237593[n], srs, subs}, srs=Transpose[Map[PadRight[If[widL[[#]]>0, Table[1, widL[[#]]], {0}], Max[widL]]&, Range[Length[lenL]]]]; subs=Map[SplitBy[lenL srs[[#]], #!=0&]&, Range[Max[widL]]]; Flatten[Map[subP, subs]]]
Flatten[Map[a279391, Range[38]]] (* Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Sep 05 2021 *)
The length of row n equals A001227(n).
If n is odd the length of row n equals A000005(n).
Row sums give A000203.
For the definition of "subparts" see A279387.
For the triangle of sums of subparts see A279388.
Omar E. Pol, Dec 12 2016