\\gapcount is a list of frequency of (even) gaps so far cumulative. 
\\Place i of the list has gap 2i. As we start at prime 3, difference 1 isn't seen.
\\freqgap is a list of frequence of (even) gaps so far for each prime.
\\ - g is the gap between prime i and the next larger prime.  
\\ - imax denotes the index of the largest frequency of prime gaps.
\\ - gmax records the highest frequency of gaps so far. 
\\ - passes records at which primes imax changed. 
\\ - is24 records primes for which frequence of gap 2 and of gap 4 
\\are the same directly after a gap of 2 or of 4.
\\ -ordergap is the list in which the order of existing primegaps appear for the first time (A014320) 
upto(n) = {my(gapcount=List(),passes=List(),gmax = 0,imax = 0,is24 = List(),ordergap = List([1]), freqgap = List([1]));
\\compute the gap
g = nextprime(i+1) - i;
\\ add the neccesare elements to the list for new gaps (if any).
\\add 1 to the place of the current gap. 
gapcount[g\2]++;print(i" "gapcount);
\\gap g occurs for the a(n)-th time. 

\\if the gap occurs for the first time, put it in ordergap
\\see if some gap occurs more often now. If so, put the prime 
\\in the list 'passes'
if(gapcount[g\2] > gmax,gmax = gapcount[g\2];if(imax!=g\2,listput(passes,i);imax=g\2));
\\see if, after a gap of 2 or 4, the frequency of those gaps is the same. 


\\print("primegap(n) occured for the a(n)-th time: ");print(freqgap);
print("gaps occured this often upto next prime larger than n: ");print(gapcount); 
print("passes at: ");print(passes);
print("frequency of gaps 2 and 4 equal at: ");print(is24);
print("gaps upto "n" occur for the first time in the following order: ");print(ordergap);