%I #9 Jun 07 2016 05:54:00
%S 1,2,-16,904,-25792,971936,-135875584,7531512832,-483853915136,
%T 318210896625152,-26070230641872896,2367374418301892608,
%U -708155254090757373952,76928188353501090512896,-9044296958948501037252608,3432739126498593173574909952,-465041552940366454298747600896
%N Numerators of the nonzero coefficients in the expansion of 1/hypergeom([Seq_{k=1..m-1} k/m], [], (x/m)^m) for m = 3.
%p Blist := proc(m, size) local H, S;
%p H := m -> hypergeom([seq(k/m, k=1..m-1)], [], (x/m)^m);
%p S := m -> series(1/H(m), x, (m+1)*size);
%p seq((-1)^n*numer(coeff(S(m), x, m*n)), n=0..size) end:
%p A273193_list := size -> Blist(3, size);
%Y Cf. A000012 (m=1), A002596 (m=2), A273192, A273194.
%K sign,frac
%O 0,2
%A _Peter Luschny_, Jun 06 2016