%I #4 Apr 05 2016 00:20:29
%S 4713241,182439049,207158449,278990209,76545001,38775529,110607289,
%T 135326689,148376761
%N A 3 X 3 semimagic square of odd squares, read by rows.
%C Three rows, three columns and one diagonal sum to the same number: 394310739 = A271022(1).
%H Christian Boyer, <a href="http://www.multimagie.com/English/SquaresOfSquares.htm">Magic squares of squares</a>
%H <a href="/index/Mag#magic">Index entries for sequences related to magic squares</a>
%e The semimagic square is
%e |---------|---------|---------|
%e | 4713241 |182439049|207158449|
%e |---------|---------|---------|
%e |278990209| 76545001| 38775529|
%e |---------|---------|---------|
%e |110607289|135326689|148376761|
%e |---------|---------|---------|
%e It is:
%e |---------|---------|---------|
%e | 2171^2 | 13507^2 | 14393^2 |
%e |---------|---------|---------|
%e | 16703^2 | 8749^2 | 6227^2 |
%e |---------|---------|---------|
%e | 10517^2 | 11633^2 | 12181^2 |
%e |---------|---------|---------|
%Y Cf. A267118, A271022.
%K nonn,fini,full,tabf
%O 1,1
%A _Arkadiusz Wesolowski_, Mar 31 2016