%I #16 Feb 16 2025 08:33:30
%S 7,8,8,11,10,10,12,12,16,16,24,18,17,19,19,25,21,30,19,21,18,18,22,20,
%T 20,20,23,20,23,20,15,23,15,16,16,15,16,17,20,18,19,21,25,27,30,33,30,
%U 36,30,29,24,22,22,23,23,37,26,26,28,31,33,35,30,30,25,23,17,15,12,16,12,14,11,8,9,10,13,15,22,13,15,16,17,17,24,20,25,21,29,23,27,28,37,32,40,22,30,23,21,21,23,17,21,17,16,16,20,15,23,18,21,20,23,20,22,13,15,10,13,9,11,7,5,7,6,5,6,5,3,2,0
%N The number of alive cells in Conway's Game of Life starting with the "Die hard" initial pattern.
%C Population vanishes after 130 generations.
%H LifeWiki, <a href="http://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/Die_hard">Die hard</a>
%H Eric Weisstein's MathWorld, <a href="https://mathworld.wolfram.com/GameofLife.html">Game of Life</a>
%H Wikipedia, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life">Conway's Game of Life</a>
%t maxIter = 200; halfWidth = h = 100; GameOfLife = {224, {2, {{2, 2, 2}, {2, 1, 2}, {2, 2, 2}}}, {1, 1}}; grids = CellularAutomaton[GameOfLife, SparseArray[{{h + 3, h + 2} -> 1, {h - 3, h + 1} -> 1, {h - 2, h + 1} -> 1, {h - 2, h} -> 1, {h + 2, h} -> 1, {h + 3, h} -> 1, {h + 4, h} -> 1} ], 2h]; a[n_] := grids[[n + 1]] // Flatten // Total; Table[a[n], {n, 0, maxIter}] //. {a__, 0, 0} :> {a, 0}
%Y Cf. A179409, A268857.
%K nonn,fini,full,changed
%O 0,1
%A _Jean-François Alcover_, Feb 21 2016