Denominators of lower primes-only best approximates (POBAs) to Pi; see Comments.
2, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 31, 61, 71, 241, 311, 1427, 1667, 3023, 4591, 5749, 9817, 14563, 15241, 19309, 43717, 51853, 56599, 170701, 177481, 183809, 184487, 193979, 194431, 265381, 13800151, 14397343, 33239959, 35429437, 38216107, 58916503, 261541507, 414604999, 549157573
Suppose that x > 0. A fraction p/q of primes is a lower primes-only best approximate, and we write "p/q is in L(x)", if u/v < p/q < x < p'/q for all primes u and v such that v < q, where p' is least prime > p.
Let q(1) be the least prime q such that u/q < x for some prime u, and let p(1) be the greatest such u. The sequence L(x) follows inductively: for n > 1, let q(n) is the least prime q such that p(n)/q(n) < p/q < x for some prime p. Let q(n+1) = q and let p(n+1) be the greatest prime p such that p(n)/q(n) < p/q < x.
For a guide to POBAs, lower POBAs, and upper POBAs, see A265759.
The lower POBAs to Pi start with 5/2, 13/5, 19/7, 31/11, 37/13, 53/17, 97/31, 191/61, 223/71, 757/241, 977/311. For example, if p and q are primes and q > 241, and p/q < Pi, then 757/241 is closer to Pi than p/q is.
x = Pi; z = 1000; p[k_] := p[k] = Prime[k];
t = Table[Max[Table[NextPrime[x*p[k], -1]/p[k], {k, 1, n}]], {n, 1, z}];
d = DeleteDuplicates[t]; tL = Select[d, # > 0 &] (* lower POBA *)
t = Table[Min[Table[NextPrime[x*p[k]]/p[k], {k, 1, n}]], {n, 1, z}];
d = DeleteDuplicates[t]; tU = Select[d, # > 0 &] (* upper POBA *)
v = Sort[Union[tL, tU], Abs[#1 - x] > Abs[#2 - x] &];
b = Denominator[v]; s = Select[Range[Length[b]], b[[#]] == Min[Drop[b, # - 1]] &];
y = Table[v[[s[[n]]]], {n, 1, Length[s]}] (* POBA, A265812/A265813 *)
Numerator[tL] (* A265808 *)
Denominator[tL] (* A265809 *)
Numerator[tU] (* A265810 *)
Denominator[tU] (* A265811 *)
Numerator[y] (* A265812 *)
Denominator[y] (* A265813 *)
Clark Kimberling, Jan 02 2016
More terms from Bert Dobbelaere, Jul 20 2022