Numerators of domain values whose images via the flowsnake Q-function follow a spiral trajectory (see comments).
3, 13, 115, 125, 19, 141, 1011, 1021, 7171, 7181, 1027, 7197, 50403, 50413, 352915, 352925, 50419, 352941, 2470611, 2470621, 17294371, 17294381, 2470627, 17294397, 121060803, 121060813, 847425715, 847425725, 121060819, 847425741
The spiral trajectory joins the centroids of hexagons that fit into a substitution hierarchy. Assign to each level of the hierarchy an index N in {0, 1, 2, ... }. Level 0 is a single hexagon. Subsequent levels of the hierarchy are enumerated by subdividing each hexagon at level N into seven hexagons at level N+1 (Cf. Gardner ). Call a hexagon central if its centroid coincides with the centroid of the hexagon at level 0. We determine a set of points in the plane by taking, for each N, the six centroids at level N+1 that fall within the central hexagon at level N but do not fall within the central hexagon at level N+1. Centroids are rational single-points, so the Q-function determines a bijection between our set of plane points and a set of rational numbers ( Klee, Complex Systems, Wolfram Demonstrations ). The fractional sequence a(n) is that set of rational numbers ordered by a(n+1) > a(n). If we plot the image of a(n) we only see the spiral over domain [0,3/8] as it converges to the center of Gosper Island. The complete, double-spiral appears as Figure 12 in "A Pit of Flowsnakes".
M. Gardner, Penrose Tiles and Trapdoor Ciphers... and the Return of Dr. Matrix, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pages 36-42.
B. Klee, A Pit of Flowsnakes, Complex Systems, 24, 4 (2015).
B. Klee, Flowsnake Q-Function, Wolfram Demonstrations(2015).
Conjectures from Colin Barker, Jan 24 2016: (Start)
a(n) = 50*a(n-6)-49*a(n-12) for n>12.
G.f.: (3 +13*x +115*x^2 +125*x^3 +19*x^4 +141*x^5 +861*x^6 +371*x^7 +1421*x^8 +931*x^9 +77*x^10 +147*x^11) / ((1 -x)*(1 +x)*(1 -x +x^2)*(1 +x +x^2)*(1 -7*x^3)*(1 +7*x^3)).
FLSN[{3/56, 13/56, 115/392, 125/392, 19/56, 141/392, 1011/2744, 1021/2744, 7171/19208, 7181/19208, 1027/2744, 7197/19208}] = {3/14 + x/42, 4/7 - x/21, 30/49 + (17 x)/147, 31/49 + (29 x)/147, 51/98 + (73 x)/294, 19/49 + (32 x)/147, 153/343 + (170 x)/1029, 163/343 + (143 x)/1029, 1212/2401 + (1118 x)/7203, 2495/4802 + (2353 x)/14406, 1236/2401 + (1259 x)/7203, 1189/2401 + (1283 x)/7203}, where x = ( sqrt(3) * i ).
b[n_] := Select[Union@Join[Flatten[MapIndexed[#1/(8 7^#2[[1]]) &, MapIndexed[With[{l =If[OddQ[#2[[1]] ], {10, 14, 8, 8, 10}, {10, 8, 8, 14, 10}]}, FoldList[Plus, #1, l]] &, FoldList[7 (#1 + #2) + 24 &, 3, Table[If[OddQ[i], 10, 26], {i, 1, 2 Ceiling[n/6]}]] ] ] ] ], # < 3/8 &][[1 ;; n]]; Numerator[b[100]]
Cf. A262148 (denominators).
Sequence in context: A077713 A119723 A093011 * A364327 A057865 A344210
Bradley Klee, Sep 12 2015