Numbers n such that the result of n multiplied by the reversal of n can be split into two numbers a and b of equal length (if the length is odd a leading zero is allowed), where a + b equals n (b can also have a leading zero).
1, 9, 54, 55, 99, 999, 2727, 3222, 7777, 8272, 9999, 12466, 22222, 25912, 39114, 75880, 87777, 87804, 93357, 99999, 124660, 142857, 181818, 185185, 189189, 230769, 231868, 324675, 390313, 412587, 428274, 443926, 503866, 513513, 533169, 568468
All rep'n'-digits have infinite subsequence, except the rep'n'-digits 3 (mod 9) and 6 (mod 9).
For 'n' is 1, we have the Kaprekar numbers (A145875), the repdigit numbers.
If length is 1 (mod 9), repdigit 1 is part of the sequence, 1111111111*1111111111 = 1234567900987654321 => 123456790 + 987654321 = 1111111111.
If length is 2 (mod 9), repdigit 5 is part of the sequence, 55555555555*55555555555 = 3086419753024691358025 => 30864197530 + 24691358025 = 5555555555.
If length is 4 (mod 9), repdigit 7 is part of the sequence, 7777 * 7777 = 60481729 => 6048 + 1729 = 7777.
If length is 5 (mod 9), repdigit 2 is part of the sequence.
If length is 7 (mod 9), repdigit 4 is part of the sequence.
If length is 8 (mod 9), repdigit 8 is part of the sequence.
Repdigit 9 is part of this sequence in every length.
For 'n' is 2, we have numbers where two digits are repeated, like 52525252.
The rep2-digits which are divisible by 9 have the following infinite subsequences:
If length is 2 (mod 22), rep2-digit 54 is a part of this sequence, 545454545454545454545454 * 454545454545454545454545 = 247933884297520661157024297520661157024793388430 => 247933884297520661157024 + 297520661157024793388430 = 545454545454545454545454
If length is 4 (mod 22), rep2-digit 27 is a part of this sequence.
If length is 6 (mod 22), rep2-digit 18 is a part of this sequence.
If length is 8 (mod 22), rep2-digit 63 is a part of this sequence.
If length is 10 (mod 22), rep2-digit 90 is a part of this sequence.
If length is 14 (mod 22), rep2-digit 36 is a part of this sequence.
If length is 16 (mod 22), rep2-digit 81 is a part of this sequence.
If length is 18 (mod 22), rep2-digit 72 is a part of this sequence.
If length is 20 (mod 22), rep2-digit 45 is a part of this sequence.
Other rep2-digits also have infinite subsequences with length l (mod 198).
Example: rep2-digit 52 has length 8: 52525252 * 25252525 = 1326395239261300 => 13263952 + 39261300 = 52525252, the next length is 206.
Pieter Post and Giovanni Resta, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..187 (terms < 10^12, first 84 terms from Pieter Post)
124660 is a term. Indeed 124660*66421 = 8280041860 and 82800 + 41860 = 124660.
fQ[n_] := Block[{c, d, len}, c = n FromDigits@ Reverse@ IntegerDigits@ n; d = IntegerDigits@ c; len = Length@ d; If[OddQ@ len, d = PadLeft[d, len + 1]; len++]; n == FromDigits@ Take[d, len/2] + FromDigits@ Take[d, -len/2]]; Select[Range@ 1000000, fQ] (* Michael De Vlieger, Jul 20 2015 *)
def sod(n, m):
kk = 0
while n > 0:
kk= kk+(n%m)
n =int(n//m)
return kk
for a in range (1, 9):
for n in range (10**(a-1)+1, 10**a):
u=sod(n*y, 10**ll)
if n==u:
print (n)
# for rep2-digit
for f in range (12, 98):
for i in range(1, 200):
cc1, cc2=int(cc[0:l]), int(cc[l:2*l+1])
if c==cc1+cc2:
print (c)
Pieter Post, Jun 24 2015
Missing a(21) from Giovanni Resta, Jul 19 2015