Consider numbers n = concat(x,y,z) such that the product x*y*z | n. Leading zeros in y and z allowed. Sequence lists numbers that admit different concatenations.
2112, 4224, 11110, 13104, 16128, 17136, 21120, 23184, 27216, 32256, 42240, 70224, 76608, 79632, 92736, 100128, 101101, 101808, 110110, 111100, 111375, 127008, 130104, 131040, 161280, 170170, 171360, 200112, 211200, 231840, 272160, 301125, 322560, 391092, 422400
If n belongs to the sequence also n*10^k does.
Two concatenations are considered different when one of them is not a permutation of the other. E.g.: (6,2,22,5) and (6,22,2,5) are not different.
Only 2 or 3 different concatenations.
Two different concatenations:
92736 = concat(9*2*736) and 92736 / (9*2*736) = 7;
92736 = concat(92*7*36) and 92736 / (92*7*36) = 4.
Three different concatenations:
23184 = concat(2,3,184) and 23184 / (2*3*184) = 21;
23184 = concat(23,1,84) and 23184 / (23*1*84) = 12;
23184 = concat(23,18,4) and 23184 / (23*18*4) = 14.
The six concatenations of 111111 are excluded because they are basically just one: 1*11*111; 1*111*11; 11*1*111; 11*111*1; 111*1*11; 111*11*1 and 111111 / (1*11*111) = 91.
with(numtheory); P:=proc(q) local a, ab, b, c, i, j, k, m, n, v, w;
v:=array(1..10, 1..3); w:=[]; for n from 1 to q do j:=0;
for i from 1 to ilog10(n) do c:=(n mod 10^i); ab:=trunc(n/10^i);
for k from 1 to ilog10(ab) do a:=trunc(ab/10^k); b:=ab-a*10^k;
if a*b*c>0 then if type(n/(a*b*c), integer) then j:=j+1;
w:=sort([a, b, c]); for m from 1 to 3 do v[j, m]:=w[m]; od;
for m from 1 to j-1 do if v[m, 1]=v[j, 1] and v[m, 2]=v[j, 2] and v[m, 3]=v[j, 3]
then j:=j-1; break; fi; od; fi; fi; od; od;
if j>1 then print(n); fi; od; end: P(10^9);
fQ[n_] := Block[{id = IntegerDigits@ n}, lng = Length@ id; t = Times @@@ Union[Sort /@ Partition[ Flatten@ Table[{FromDigits@ Take[id, {1, i}], FromDigits@ Take[id, {i + 1, j}], FromDigits@ Take[id, {j + 1, lng}]}, {i, 1, lng - 2}, {j, i + 1, lng - 1}], 3]]; Count[IntegerQ /@ (n/t), True] > 1]; k = 100; lst = {}; While[k < 1000001, If[fQ@ k, AppendTo[lst, k]]; k++]; lst (* Robert G. Wilson v, Apr 09 2015 *)
Paolo P. Lava, Apr 01 2015