%I #17 Sep 08 2022 08:46:11
%S 17,23,41,47,71,89,113,137,167,191,233,239,257,263,281,311,353,359,
%T 383,401,431,449,479,503,521,569,593,599,617,641,647,719,743,761,809,
%U 839,857,863,881,887,911,929,953,977,983,1031,1049,1097,1103,1151,1193
%N Primes congruent to {17, 23} mod 24.
%C All these primes do not divide any number of the form 2^k + 3. Therefore, they are not in A256396.
%F A107181 UNION A134517.
%t Select[Prime@Range[196], MemberQ[{17, 23}, Mod[#, 24]] &]
%o (Magma) [p: p in PrimesUpTo(1193) | p mod 24 in {17, 23}];
%o (PARI) select(p->my(k=p%24); k==17||k==23, primes(1000)) \\ _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Jun 03 2015
%Y Cf. A107181, A134517, A256396.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Arkadiusz Wesolowski_, Jun 03 2015