Numbers whose set of digits is simply connected, with 9 and 0 considered as neighbors.

%I #15 Nov 11 2019 00:43:10

%S 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,21,22,23,32,33,34,43,44,45,54,55,56,65,66,

%T 67,76,77,78,87,88,89,90,98,99,100,101,102,109,110,111,112,120,121,

%U 122,123,132,190,201,210,211,212,213,221,222,223,231,232,233,234,243,312,321,322,323,324,332,333,334,342,343,344,345,354,423,432

%N Numbers whose set of digits is simply connected, with 9 and 0 considered as neighbors.

%C The set of digits must consist of a single run without "holes", but for a cyclic topology where 9 and 0 are seen as neighbors.

%C A superset of A134336. Namely, numbers in A134336 or such that the complement of their digits in {0,...,9} satisfies the criterion of A134336.

%H Danny Rorabaugh, <a href="/A252490/b252490.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%o (PARI) is(n)=vecmax(if((d=Set(digits(n)))[1],d,d=setminus(vector(9,i,i),d)))-vecmin(d)==#d-1

%Y Cf. A032981, A050278, A033075 (a subsequence), A010785, A108965, A134336 (a subsequence).

%K nonn,base,easy

%O 1,2

%A _M. F. Hasler_, Dec 24 2014