// This Magma program generates the terms of OEIS sequence A247556.
// For 49 terms, use nMax=49, dMax>=72, and aMax>=5989.
// For 100 terms, use nMax=100, dMax>=129, and aMax>=40613.
// For 1000 terms, use nMax=1000, dMax>=956, and aMax>=23911868.
// (Submitted by Jon E. Schoenfield, Jan 24 2015)
nMax:=49; dMax:=72; aMax:=5989;
aOfst1:=[0]; // store a(n) as aOfst1[n+1] (can't use index=0 in Magma?)
DiffUsed:=[false : d in [1..dMax]];
aAvailable:=[true : d in [1..aMax]];
d:=1; // initialize minimum unused difference
for n in [1..nMax] do
   while DiffUsed[d] do
   end while;
   aTest:=aOfst1[n]+d; // a(n-1) + d
   if aAvailable[aTest] then
      aOfst1[n+1]:=aTest; // a(n) = a(n-1) + d
      while true do
         if aAvailable[aTest] then // a(n-1) + r is available
            if aAvailable[aTest+d] then // a(n-1) + r + d is available
               aOfst1[n+1]:=aTest; // a(n) = a(n-1) + r
            end if;
         end if;
      end while;
   end if;
   // update table of used/unused status of small differences:
   for j in [n-1..0 by -1] do
      aDiff:=aOfst1[n+1]-aOfst1[j+1]; // a(n)-a(j)
      if aDiff gt dMax then
      end if;
   end for;
   // update table of available/unavailable status of remaining integers
   for i in [0..n-1] do
      temp:=aOfst1[n+1]-aOfst1[i+1]; // a(n)-a(i)
      for j in [i+1..n] do
         aAvailable[aOfst1[j+1]+temp]:=false; // (a(j)-a(i))+a(n) is unavailable
      end for;
   end for;
end for;