Position of first occurrence of n consecutive equal digits in the decimal expansion of e starting after the decimal point.

%I #33 Sep 07 2019 22:04:50

%S 1,31,47,723,4992,89296,210482,384340,110702779,419970418

%N Position of first occurrence of n consecutive equal digits in the decimal expansion of e starting after the decimal point.

%C Position 31 is occupied by the first of two consecutive 6's. Position 47 is occupied by the first of three consecutive 9's. Position 723 is occupied by the first of four consecutive 8's.

%H <a href="http://www.subidiom.com/e/">e digit search engine</a>

%e Decimal expansion of e:

%e 2.|7|18281828459045235360287471352|66|24977572470936|999|59574966967627724..

%t e = Rest[First[RealDigits[E, 10, 2000000]]];

%t A244601 = ConstantArray[0, 8];

%t For[i = 1, i <= Length[e], i++,

%t t = e[[i]]; c = 1;

%t While[e[[i + c]] == t, c++];

%t If[A244601[[c]] == 0, A244601[[c]] = i; i = i + c - 1; Continue[]]

%t ]; A244601 (* _Robert Price_, Sep 07 2019 *)

%Y Cf. A001113. Resulting repdigits are A244602.

%K nonn,base,more

%O 1,2

%A _Felix Fröhlich_, Jul 01 2014

%E a(5)-(8) from _Jens Kruse Andersen_, Jul 20 2014

%E a(9)-(10) from _Felix Fröhlich_, Aug 26 2014

%E Prepended a(1), _Felix Fröhlich_, Aug 31 2014