#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <list> #include <set> #include <math.h> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <strstream> using namespace std; // Conway_Positive_Primitive.cc June 2014 // g++ -o Conway_Positive_Primitive Conway_Positive_Primitive.cc -lm void insert_primitive_reps(unsigned int a, unsigned int h, unsigned int b, unsigned int M, set<unsigned int> *setPtr) { cout << setw(12) << a << setw(12) << h << setw(12) << b << " insert_primitive_reps" << endl; if ( a <= M ) { (*setPtr).insert(a); if ( b <= M ) { (*setPtr).insert(b); if ( a <= M - b && h <= M - a - b) { if( a <= M - a - h ) insert_primitive_reps(a, h + 2 * a, a + b + h, M, setPtr); if( b <= M - b - h ) insert_primitive_reps(a + b + h, h + 2 * b,b, M, setPtr); // comment: once a+b+h <= M, min(2a+h, 2b+h) <= M } // if a + b + h } // if b } // if a } // end insert_primitive_rep int IntSqrt(int i) { // cerr << "called intsqrt with " << i << endl; if ( i <= 0 ) return 0; else if ( i <= 3) return 1; else if ( i >= 2147395600) return 46340; else { float r; r = 1.0 * i; r = sqrt(r); int root = (int) ceil(r); while ( root * root <= i ) ++root; while ( root * root > i ) --root; return root ; } } string stringify(int x) { ostringstream o; o << x ; return o.str(); } string Factored(unsigned int i) { string fac; fac = " = "; int p = 2; unsigned int temp = i; if (temp < 0 ) { temp *= -1; fac += " -1 * "; } if ( 1 == temp) fac += " 1 "; if ( temp > 1) { int primefac = 0; while( temp > 1 && p * p <= temp) { if (temp % p == 0) { ++primefac; if (primefac > 1) fac += " * "; fac += stringify( p) ; temp /= p; int exponent = 1; while (temp % p == 0) { temp /= p; ++exponent; } // while p is fac if ( exponent > 1) { fac += "^" ; fac += stringify( exponent) ; } } // if p is factor ++p; } // while p if (temp > 1 && primefac >= 1) fac += " * "; if (temp > 1 ) fac += stringify( temp) ; } // temp > 1 return fac; } // Factored int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if ( argc != 5) cout << "Usage: ./Conway_Positive_Primitive A B C M " << endl; else { int a,b,c, discr; int N,M; a = atoi(argv[1]); b = atoi(argv[2]); c = atoi(argv[3]); M = atoi(argv[4]); cout << setw(12) << atoi(argv[1]) << setw(12) << atoi(argv[2]) << setw(12) << atoi(argv[3]) << " original form " << endl << endl; int d = b * b - 4 * a * c ; int droot = IntSqrt(d) ; if ( d <= 0) cout << "nonpositive discriminant " << d << endl << endl; if (d == droot * droot) cout << "square discriminant " << d << endl << endl; if (d > 0 && d != droot * droot) { int aa,bb,cc; while ( a <= 0 || c >= 0 || b <= abs(a+c) ) { int delta, cAbs; cAbs = c; if (cAbs < 0) cAbs *= -1; delta = (b + droot)/( 2 * cAbs) ; if (c < 0) delta *= -1; aa = c ; bb = 2 * c * delta - b ; cc = c * delta * delta - b * delta + a ; a = aa; b = bb; c = cc; } // while not reduced with a > 0 cout << setw(12) << a << setw(12) << b << setw(12) << c << " Lagrange-Gauss reduced " << endl << endl; int a_old = a; int b_old = b; int c_old = c; int goon = 1; set<unsigned int> S; while (goon ) { int newval = a+b+c; if ( newval > 0 ) { // cout << setw(65) << b + 2 * a << endl; insert_primitive_reps(a, b + 2 * a,newval ,M, &S); // note ampersand b+= 2 * c ; a = newval; } // newval > 0 else if ( newval < 0 ) { // cout << setw(5) << -1 * ( b + 2 * c) << endl; b+= 2 * a ; c = newval; } // newval < 0 goon = (a != a_old) || (b != b_old) || (c != c_old) ; } // while goon cout << endl << endl << " Primitively represented positive integers up to " << M << endl << endl; set<unsigned int>::iterator iterU; for(iterU = S.begin() ; iterU != S.end() ; ++iterU) { unsigned int p = *iterU; cout << setw(12) << p << Factored(p) << endl; } cout << endl << endl << " Primitively represented positive integers up to " << M << endl << endl; cout << setw(12) << atoi(argv[1]) << setw(12) << atoi(argv[2]) << setw(12) << atoi(argv[3]) << " original form " << endl << endl; } // not square } // else argc return 0 ; } // g++ -o Conway_Positive_Primitive Conway_Positive_Primitive.cc -lm