%I #15 Sep 28 2019 09:30:39
%S 2,3,5,7,735,2333772
%N Numbers n such that the decimal digits of n are also the prime divisors of n.
%C The sequence is given for a(n) < 10^11.
%C No more terms <= 10^150. Terms are of the form 2^e2 * 3^e3 * 7^e7 or of the form 3^e3 * 5^e5 * 7^e7, for which no other number <= 10^150 than those listed is a term. - _David A. Corneth_, Sep 28 2019
%e 735 = 3*5*7^2 is in the sequence because the digits 7, 3 and 5 are also the prime divisors of 735.
%p with(numtheory):nn:=1000000:for n from 1 to 10^11 do:lst:={}:x:=factorset(n):y:=convert(n,base,10):n1:=nops(x):n2:=nops(y): for j from 1 to n2 do:lst:=lst union {y[j]}:od:if x=lst then print(n):else fi:od:
%Y Cf. A108319, A108347.
%Y Subsequence of A046034.
%K nonn,base,hard
%O 1,1
%A _Michel Lagneau_, Apr 27 2014