%I #24 Nov 23 2023 07:04:12
%S 9,97,971,9719,971917,97191713,9719171333,971917133323,9719171333237,
%T 971917133323777,97191713332377731,9719171333237773159,
%U 971917133323777315951,97191713332377731595127,971917133323777315951277,971917133323777315951277269
%N Start with 9; thereafter, primes obtained by concatenating to the end of previous term the next smallest number that will produce a prime.
%C a(n+1) is the next smallest prime beginning with a(n). Initial term is 9. After a(1), these are the primes in A069611.
%H Robert Israel, <a href="/A236672/b236672.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..316</a>
%e a(1) = 9 by definition.
%e a(2) is the next smallest prime beginning with 9, so a(2) = 97.
%e a(3) is the next smallest prime beginning with 97, so a(3) = 971.
%p R:= 9: x:= 9:
%p for i from 2 to 20 do
%p for y from 1 by 2 do
%p z:= x*10^(1+ilog10(y)) + y;
%p if isprime(z) then
%p R:= R,z; x:= z; break
%p fi
%p od od:
%p R; # _Robert Israel_, Nov 22 2023
%t next[p_]:=Module[{i=1,q},While[!PrimeQ[q=10^IntegerLength[i]p+i],i+=2];q];
%t NestList[next,9,15] (* _Paolo Xausa_, Nov 23 2023 *)
%o (Python)
%o import sympy
%o from sympy import isprime
%o def b(x):
%o num = str(x)
%o n = 1
%o while n < 10**3:
%o new_num = str(x) + str(n)
%o if isprime(int(new_num)):
%o print(int(new_num))
%o x = new_num
%o n = 1
%o else:
%o n += 1
%o b(9)
%Y Cf. A048553, A110773, A069611.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,1
%A _Derek Orr_, Jan 29 2014