Number of (2+2)X(n+2) 0..2 arrays with no increasing sequence of length 3 horizontally, vertically or antidiagonally downwards

%I #5 Aug 11 2014 22:45:56

%S 342185,20463326,1228836823,73856970690,4437742405449,266642245870341,

%T 16020595216911881,962558718514483306,57832813368256439630,

%U 3474731841444380222451,208770030278144266959124

%N Number of (2+2)X(n+2) 0..2 arrays with no increasing sequence of length 3 horizontally, vertically or antidiagonally downwards

%C Row 2 of A233602

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A233604/b233604.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210</a>

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A233604/a233604.txt">Empirical recurrence of order 61</a>

%F Empirical recurrence of order 61 (see link above)

%e Some solutions for n=1

%e ..0..2..1....0..2..1....0..1..0....0..1..0....0..2..2....0..0..1....0..2..2

%e ..1..0..1....1..0..1....0..2..1....1..2..1....1..0..1....0..2..1....2..0..1

%e ..1..2..1....1..1..2....2..1..0....1..2..0....0..2..2....0..0..1....1..2..1

%e ..2..0..0....1..0..1....1..2..1....2..2..0....1..1..1....1..2..0....0..1..1

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Dec 14 2013