Numbers of the form 4^j + 8^k, for j and k >= 0.

%I #5 Sep 15 2019 08:31:37

%S 2,5,9,12,17,24,65,68,72,80,128,257,264,320,513,516,528,576,768,1025,

%T 1032,1088,1536,4097,4100,4104,4112,4160,4352,4608,5120,8192,16385,

%U 16392,16448,16896,20480,32769,32772,32784,32832,33024,33792,36864,49152,65537

%N Numbers of the form 4^j + 8^k, for j and k >= 0.

%H T. D. Noe, <a href="/A226822/b226822.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%t a = 4; b = 8; mx = 70000; Union[Flatten[Table[a^n + b^m, {m, 0, Log[b, mx]}, {n, 0, Log[a, mx - b^m]}]]]

%t With[{upto=66000},Select[Union[4^#[[1]]+8^#[[2]]&/@Tuples[Range[ 0,Log[ 4,upto]],2]],#<=upto&]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Sep 15 2019 *)

%Y Cf. A004050 (2^j + 3^k), A226806-A226832 (cases to 8^j + 9^k).

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _T. D. Noe_, Jun 19 2013