	/* least proper multiple of n which is a concatenation of 2 or more successive numbers */
	lpmcsn(n) =
			len=length(Str(n)),	/* length of the multiple */
			multiple=0,			/* multiple */
			l,					/* length of first number */
			c,					/* number of numbers of length l */
			first,				/* first number */
			v0,					/* first concatenation */
			d,					/* delta with next concatenation */
			ymax,				/* v0+d*ymax is the max term in the familly */
			bzt, X0, Y0, g		/* bezout */

			for (l=1, len/2,
				for (c=1,min(len/l,9*10^(l-1)),
					if (c*l==len,
						/* all consecutive numbers have the same size */
						first = 10^(l-1);
						v0 = 0;
						for (i=0,c-1,
							v0 = v0*10^l+first+i

						d = ((10^l)^c-1)/(10^l-1);
						ymax = 9*10^(l-1)-c;

						/* we solve X*n - Y*d = v0 with 1<X and 0<=Y<=ymax */
						/* gcd(n,d) must divide v0 */

						bzt = bezout(n,d);
						X0 = bzt[1];
						Y0 = bzt[2];
						g  = bzt[3];

						if (v0%g==0,
							k0 = ceil((g-v0*X0)/d);
							if ( (g-v0*X0)%d==0,
								k0 = k0+1

							k1 = ceil (  v0*Y0        /n );
							k2 = floor( (v0*Y0+ymax*g)/n );

							kmin = max(k0, k1);

							if (kmin<=k2,
								solmin = v0 - (v0*Y0/g - n/g*kmin)*d;

								if (multiple==0 || multiple>solmin,
									multiple = solmin
						/* consecutive numbers have different sizes */
						cc = c;
						ll = l+1;
						rem = len-c*l;
						while (rem,
							mx = min(floor(rem/ll), 9*10^(ll-1));
							if (mx==0,
							cc = cc + mx;
							rem = rem - mx*ll;
							ll = ll+1
						if (rem==0,
							first = 10^l-c;
							v0 = 0;
							for (i=0, cc-1,
								v0 = eval(concat(v0,Str(first+i)))

							if (v0>n && v0%n==0,
								if (multiple==0 || multiple>v0,
									multiple = v0
			len = len+1