Numbers which are the sums of consecutive fifth powers.

%I #4 Oct 23 2012 15:06:07

%S 0,1,32,33,243,275,276,1024,1267,1299,1300,3125,4149,4392,4424,4425,

%T 7776,10901,11925,12168,12200,12201,16807,24583,27708,28732,28975,

%U 29007,29008,32768,49575,57351,59049,60476,61500,61743,61775,61776,91817,100000,108624

%N Numbers which are the sums of consecutive fifth powers.

%H T. D. Noe, <a href="/A217845/b217845.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>

%t nMax = 200000; t = {0}; Do[k = n; s = 0; While[s = s + k^5; s <= nMax, AppendTo[t, s]; k++], {n, nMax^(1/5)}]; t = Union[t]

%Y Cf. A034705, A217843-A217850.

%K nonn

%O 1,3

%A _T. D. Noe_, Oct 23 2012