a(n) = 3*a(n-1) + 24*a(n-2) + a(n-3), with a(0) = 2, a(1) = 5, and a(2) = 62.

%I #19 May 14 2017 12:25:50

%S 2,5,62,308,2417,14705,102431,662630,4460939,29388368,195890270,

%T 1297452581,8623112591,57204089987,379864424726,2521114546457,

%U 16737293922782,111098495308040,737511654617345,4895636145167777,32498286641627651,215727639063526946

%N a(n) = 3*a(n-1) + 24*a(n-2) + a(n-3), with a(0) = 2, a(1) = 5, and a(2) = 62.

%C The Ramanujan type sequence number 9 for the argument 2Pi/9 defined by the following relation a(n)*3^(-n + 1/3) = ((-1))^n)*(c(1) - 1/3)^(n + 2/3) + ((-1)^n)*(c(2) - 1/3)^(n + 2/3) + (1/3 - c(4))^(n + 2/3), where c(j) := 2*cos(2*Pi*j/9). We note that c(4) = -cos(Pi/9). The conjugate with a(n) are the sequences A217052 and A217069.

%C In Witula's et al.'s paper the following sequence is discussed: S(n) := sum{j=0,1,2} (1/3 - c(2^j))^(n/3). It is proved that S(n+3) = (3^(1/3))*S(n+1) + S(n)/3, n=0,1,... Moreover the following decomposition holds true S(n) = x(n) + y(n)*3^(1/3) + z(n)*9^(1/3), which implies the system of recurrence relations: x(n+3) = 3*z(n+1) + x(n)/3, y(n+3) = x(n+1) + y(n)/3, z(n+3) = y(n+1) + z(n)/3, x(0)=3, y(0)=z(0)=x(1)=y(1)=z(1)=x(2)=z(2)=0, y(2)=2. Then it can be generated the relations X'(n+9) - 3*X'(n+6) - 24*X'(n+3) - X'(n) = 0, where X'(n) = X(n)*3^n for every X=x,y,z and n=0,1,..., from which we obtain that x(3*n+1)=x(3*n+2)=y(3*n)=y(3*n+1)=z(3*n)=z(3*n+2)=0 and a(n) = y(3*n+2)*3^n, A217052(n) = x(3*n)*3^(n-1), and A217069(n) = z(3*n+1)*3^(n-1).

%C Each a(n)+1 is divisible by 3 but which a(n)+1 are divisible by 9 - it is a question?

%D R. Witula, E. Hetmaniok, and D. Slota, Sums of the powers of any order roots taken from the roots of a given polynomial, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications, Eger, Hungary, 2012, in review.

%H <a href="/index/Rec#order_03">Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients</a>, signature (3,24,1).

%F G.f.: (2-x-x^2)/(1-3*x-24*x^2-x^3).

%e We have 2*3^(1/3) = (c(1) - 1/3)^(2/3) + (c(2) - 1/3)^(2/3) + (1/3 - c(4))^(2/3), and 5*3^(-2/3) = -(c(1) - 1/3)^(5/3) - (c(2) - 1/3)^(5/3) + (1/3 - c(4))^(5/3).

%e Moreover we have 12*a(1) + a(0) = a(2), 5*a(2) = a(3) + a(0).

%t LinearRecurrence[{3,24,1}, {2,5,62}, 30]

%o (PARI) Vec((2-x-x^2)/(1-3*x-24*x^2-x^3)+O(x^99)) \\ _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Oct 01 2012

%Y Cf. A217052, A217069, A214699, A214778, A214779, A214951, A214954, A215560, A215569, A215572.

%K nonn,easy

%O 0,1

%A _Roman Witula_, Sep 25 2012