%I #5 Sep 15 2012 00:49:28
%S 14,15,30,35,42,46,47,55,60,62,69,70,78,87,94,95,105,110,115,119,120,
%T 126,135,138,140,141,142,143,154,155,158,159,165,167,168,174,182,186,
%U 188,190,195,206,210,213,215,220,222,230,231,235,238,240,248,254,255,266,270,276,280,282,285,286,287,295,299
%N Numbers which can be written neither as a^2+b^2, nor as a^2+2*b^2, nor as a^2+3*b^2, nor as a^2+7*b^2, with a >= 0 and b >= 0.
%C If a composite number C, in case, can be written in the form C = a^2+k*b^2, for some integers a & b, then every prime factor P (for C) being raised to an odd power can be written in the form P = c^2+k*d^2, for some integers c & d.
%C This statement is only true for k = 1, 2, 3.
%C For k = 7, with the exception of the prime factor 2, the statement mentioned above is true.
%Y Cf. A216451, A216500.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _V. Raman_, Sep 13 2012