#********** 1st jump (for comparison with editors line enumeration) #************* 2nd jump (for comparison with editors line enumeration) 1 1 (set by definition. Because r=3 is prime, and all prime "r" have (r-2) coprimes modulos by definition). 2 2 (Without: 0,1,4; Counter starting at: 1; iterations for: 2,3; breaks for: 2; increases for: 3; returns: 2) 3 3 (Without: 0,1,5; Counter starting at: 1; iterations for: 2,3,4; breaks for: none; increases for: all; returns: 3) 4 2 (Without: 0,1,6; Counter starting at: 1; iterations for: 2,3,4,5; breaks for: 2,3,4; increases for: 5; returns: 2) 5 5 (Without: 0,1,7; Counter starting at: 1; iterations for: 2,3,4,5,6; breaks for: none; increases for: all; returns: 5) 6 4 7 5 8 4 9 9 10 4 11 11 (Without: 0,1,13; Counter starting at: 1; iterations for: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12; breaks for: none; increases for: all; returns: 11) 12 6 (Without: 0,1,14; Counter starting at: 1; iterations for: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13; breaks for: 2,4,6,7,8,10,12; increases for: 3,5,9,11,13; returns: 6) . . . # This sample file accounts how the generating algorithm implemented in C behaves for # this sequence (A216475). # # Notice that the jumps at the beginning of this file allows to compare the offset and # computed numbers stored as the two columns with the line enmueration provided by # modern editors intended to be used for programming.