Primes that are the sum of 151 consecutive primes.

%I #12 Feb 19 2018 12:30:56

%S 71011,71941,80429,88079,106699,107699,114761,117809,123863,126949,

%T 134287,137437,143719,148961,157457,160627,170063,181871,189467,

%U 200467,216023,219377,221603,222713,223829,224951,229433,231661,238373,241727,244009,254383,264731

%N Primes that are the sum of 151 consecutive primes.

%H Syed Iddi Hasan, <a href="/A215994/b215994.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%t Select[Total/@Partition[Prime[Range[500]],151,1],PrimeQ] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, May 14 2017 *)

%Y Cf. A215991.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Syed Iddi Hasan_, Aug 30 2012

%E More terms from _Harvey P. Dale_, May 14 2017