Irregular array T(n,k) of the numbers of non-extendable (complete) non-self-adjacent simple paths incorporating each of a minimal subset of nodes within a square lattice bounded by rectangles with nodal dimensions n and 7, n >= 2.
113, 116, 116, 122, 906, 1028, 1050, 1088, 1016, 1152, 1020, 980, 6751, 8562, 9411, 9718, 8651, 8317, 7116, 6882, 50036, 69029, 80263, 82942, 71736, 67670, 61229, 60116, 81276, 63148, 46550, 44196, 335569, 482769, 577787, 600124, 494659, 488710, 465142, 458850, 599448, 463257, 353704, 341918
The subset of nodes is contained in the top left-hand quarter of the rectangle and has nodal dimensions floor((n+1)/2) and 4 to capture all geometrically distinct counts.
The quarter-rectangle is read by rows.
The irregular array of numbers is:
where k indicates the position of a node in the quarter-rectangle.
For each n, the maximum value of k is 4*floor((n+1)/2).
Reading this array by rows gives the sequence.
When n = 2, the number of times (NT) each node in the rectangle (N) occurs in a complete non-self-adjacent simple path is
N 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
NT 113 116 116 122 116 116 113
113 116 116 122 116 116 113
To limit duplication, only the top left-hand corner 113 and the 116, 116, 122 to its right are stored in the sequence,
i.e. T(2,1) = 113, T(2,2) = 116, T(2,3) = 116 and T(2,4) = 122.