Number of days after Mar 01 00 such that the date written in the format D.M.YY (and considered as a number without the dots) is palindromic.

%I #15 Mar 17 2018 04:07:34

%S 315,346,374,405,435,466,496,527,558,619,690,721,749,780,810,841,871,

%T 902,933,994,1065,1124,1155,1185,1216,1246,1277,1308,1369,3958,3968,

%U 3999,4027,4058,4088,4119,4149,4180,4211,4231,4262,4272,4292,4324,4343,4374,4403,4434,4464,4495,4525,4556,4587,4598,4629,4648,4659,4691,4719,4778,4839,4900

%N Number of days after Mar 01 00 such that the date written in the format D.M.YY (and considered as a number without the dots) is palindromic.

%C There are exactly 322 such palindromic dates between Mar 1 00 and Dec 31 99 (see b-file for the complete list).

%C See A210890 for the corresponding dates.

%C The definition is different from A210891 in that the dates are considered as numbers.

%C The reference date Mar 1 00 makes sense, since this definition results in a sequence which is independent from the leap year / non-leap year property of the reference year '00'.

%H Hieronymus Fischer, <a href="/A210889/b210889.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..322</a>

%e The first palindromic date in D.M.YY format after 'Jan 01 00' is A210890(1)=10101 (= '10.1.01' = 'Jan 10 01' = 'Mar 01 00' + 315 days);

%e The 10th palindromic date in D.M.YY format after 'Jan 01 00' is A210890(10)=101101 (= '10.11.01' = 'Nov 10 01' = 'Mar 01 00' + 619 days);

%e The 44th palindromic date in D.M.YY format after 'Jan 01 00' is A210890(44)=2112 (= '2.1.12' = 'Jan 2 12' = 'Mar 01 00' + 4324 days);

%e The last (322nd) palindromic date in D.M.YY format after 'Jan 01 00' is A210890(322)=9999 (= '9.9.99' = 'Sep 09 99' = 'Mar 01 00' + 36351 days).

%Y Cf. A210883-A210888, A210890-A210895, A106605, A107273, A107275.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Hieronymus Fischer_, Apr 01 2012