a(n) is the last defined element in the sequence n, f(n), f(f(n)), ..., where f(t) = lcm(t,(b+c)/2) with b < c smallest consecutive divisors of t with c - b > 1 and f(t) is undefined if such b, c do not exist or b + c is odd.

%I #34 Mar 04 2018 17:47:06

%S 1,2,6,360360,360360,6,420,360360,18,10,66,360360,5460,14,360360,

%T 2329089562800,306,18,190,360360,42,22,8288280,360360,1801800,26,54,

%U 420,10450440,360360,52573842877942565273243107104095419458814459401768000

%N a(n) is the last defined element in the sequence n, f(n), f(f(n)), ..., where f(t) = lcm(t,(b+c)/2) with b < c smallest consecutive divisors of t with c - b > 1 and f(t) is undefined if such b, c do not exist or b + c is odd.

%C a(256) = 996169...200000 has 3547 decimal digits. - _Alois P. Heinz_, Mar 12 2012

%H Alois P. Heinz, <a href="/A206034/b206034.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..255</a>

%e a(4) = 360360 because the sequence is 4, 12, 60, 120, 840, 2520, 27720, 360360, but 360360 has b=15 and c=18 and f(360360) is not defined.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _J. Lowell_, Mar 12 2012

%E More terms from _Alois P. Heinz_, Mar 12 2012