Number of (n+1)X5 0..2 arrays with 2X2 subblock determinants differing from horizontal neighbors and permanents differing from vertical neighbors

%I #5 Mar 31 2012 12:37:07

%S 28522,1042382,34564494,1076391970,34054078628,1085248304854,

%T 34411101807016,1090399519549578,34596640031052688,

%U 1097583915746319236,34810930447851997462,1104146863967891548832,35023728703233073541734

%N Number of (n+1)X5 0..2 arrays with 2X2 subblock determinants differing from horizontal neighbors and permanents differing from vertical neighbors

%C Column 4 of A205894

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A205890/b205890.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210</a>

%e Some solutions for n=3

%e ..0..1..2..2..1....1..1..0..1..2....2..1..2..2..0....2..1..0..2..1

%e ..1..1..0..1..0....2..1..2..0..1....2..2..2..2..1....2..2..1..1..0

%e ..0..2..1..0..2....2..1..1..2..2....1..0..1..1..0....1..1..1..0..2

%e ..2..1..2..2..2....1..2..2..1..1....2..1..1..2..0....0..0..1..2..2

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Feb 01 2012