Number of (n+1)X6 0..2 arrays with rows and columns in nondecreasing order and with no 2X2 subblock sum differing from a horizontal or vertical neighbor subblock sum by more than one

%I #5 Mar 31 2012 12:35:56

%S 728,1599,25954,360196,5727704,78169918,1001709070,11365443208,

%T 113527064195,996376517938,7981937126443,57019336018017,

%U 369403819637423,2163139811336090,11523709148869437,56091972813495962,249933575893397818

%N Number of (n+1)X6 0..2 arrays with rows and columns in nondecreasing order and with no 2X2 subblock sum differing from a horizontal or vertical neighbor subblock sum by more than one

%C Column 5 of A184081

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A184077/b184077.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..66</a>

%e Some solutions for 3X6

%e ..0..0..0..1..1..1....1..1..1..2..2..2....0..1..1..1..1..2....0..0..1..1..1..1

%e ..0..1..1..0..0..0....1..2..2..1..1..1....1..0..1..1..1..1....0..1..0..0..0..1

%e ..1..0..1..1..1..2....2..1..2..2..2..2....1..1..0..1..1..1....1..0..1..1..1..1

%e ...

%e ...1..2..2..2..2.......5..6..6..6..6.......2..3..4..4..5.......1..2..2..2..3...

%e ...2..3..3..2..3.......6..7..7..6..6.......3..2..3..4..4.......2..2..2..2..3...

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Jan 09 2011