An Ulam-type sequence: a(n) = n if n<=4; for n>4, a(n) = least number > a(n-1) which is a unique sum of 4 distinct earlier terms.

%I #15 May 02 2017 15:37:07

%S 1,2,3,4,10,16,17,18,19,22,64,65,66,68,69,128,132,188,190,191,194,252,

%T 253,255,313,314,318,374,376,377,436,441,496,497,499,500,502,560,561,

%U 563,621,622,626,682,684,685,687,745,746,805,811

%N An Ulam-type sequence: a(n) = n if n<=4; for n>4, a(n) = least number > a(n-1) which is a unique sum of 4 distinct earlier terms.

%C An Ulam-type sequence - see A002858 for further information.

%H Alois P. Heinz, <a href="/A183527/b183527.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>

%H <a href="/index/U#Ulam_num">Index entries for Ulam numbers</a>

%F Conjectured G.f.: (-61*x^124-56*x^118+53*x^117+3*x^116 -x^115+2*x^114-65*x^113-58*x^112+57*x^111 -56*x^110-x^109-57*x^108+54*x^106 +3*x^105+58*x^104-52*x^102+50*x^101-55*x^100 +56*x^95-53*x^94-3*x^93+x^92-2*x^91 +2*x^90+x^87-x^86 +41*x^84-51*x^83-66*x^82-58*x^81 -52*x^79+4*x^78-58*x^77 -x^74-x^73-x^72-54*x^71 -6*x^70-59*x^69-x^68-58*x^67-2*x^66 -x^65-2*x^64-56*x^63-4*x^62-x^61 -58*x^60-2*x^59-59*x^58-x^57-x^56 -2*x^55-x^54-x^53-54*x^52-6*x^51 -59*x^50-x^49-58*x^48-2*x^47-x^46 -2*x^45-56*x^44-4*x^43-x^42-58*x^41 -2*x^40-x^39-58*x^38-2*x^37-x^36 -2*x^35-x^34-55*x^33-5*x^32-59*x^31 -x^30-2*x^29-56*x^28-4*x^27-x^26 -58*x^25-2*x^24-x^23-58*x^22-3*x^21 -x^20-2*x^19-56*x^18-4*x^17-59*x^16 -x^15-2*x^14-x^13-x^12-42*x^11 -3*x^10-x^9-x^8-x^7-6*x^6 -6*x^5-x^4-x^3-x^2-x) / (-x^74+x^73+x-1). (This has been verified for n up to 1000.)

%e a(5) = 10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 4*5/2, because it is the least number >4 with a unique sum of 4 distinct earlier terms.

%e a(6) = 16 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 10 = 4^2, because it is the least number >10 with a unique sum of 4 distinct earlier terms.

%p # see A183534 for programs.

%Y Column k=4 of A183534.

%Y Cf. A002858, A007086, A183528-A183533, A007300, A135737.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Jonathan Vos Post_ and _Alois P. Heinz_, Jan 05 2011