Joint-rank array of the numbers j*e^(i-1), read by antidiagonals.

%I #7 Mar 30 2012 18:57:12

%S 1,2,3,4,7,10,5,12,21,30,6,15,34,61,84,8,19,44,94,170,232,9,24,55,124,

%T 257,466,635,11,28,68,155,342,702,1272,1731,13,32,79,188,427,935,1912,

%U 3465,4711,14,37,91,219,515,1169,2548,5201,9426,12814,16,41,103,251

%N Joint-rank array of the numbers j*e^(i-1), read by antidiagonals.

%C Joint-rank arrays are defined in the first comment at A182801. (Column 1)=A117869. Every positive integer occurs exactly once, so that as a sequence, A182833 is a permutation of the positive integers.

%F T(i,j)=SUM{floor(j*e^(i-n)): n>=1}.

%e Northwest corner:

%e 1....2....4....5....6...

%e 3....7...12...15...19...

%e 10..21...34...44...55...

%e 30..61...94..124..155...

%Y Cf. A182801.

%K nonn,tabl

%O 1,2

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Dec 07 2010