Number of different resistances that can be obtained by combining n one-ohm resistors.
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 36, 80, 194, 506, 1400, 4039, 12044, 36406, 111324, 342447, 1064835, 3341434, 10583931, 33728050, 107931849, 346616201
In "addendum" J. Karnofsky stated the value a(15) = 1064833. In contrast to the terms up to and including a(14), which could all be confirmed, an independent calculation based on a list of 3-connected simple graphs resulted in the corrected value a(15) = 1064835. - Hugo Pfoertner, Dec 06 2020
See A337517 for the number of different resistances that can be obtained by combining /exactly/ n one-ohm resistors. The method used by Andrew Howroyd (see his program in the link section) uses 3-connected graphs with one edge (the 'battery edge') removed. - Rainer Rosenthal, Feb 07 2021
Technology Review's Puzzle Corner, How many different resistances can be obtained by combining 10 one ohm resistors? Oct 3, 2003.
Andrew Howroyd, PARI program (includes scripts for other related sequences)
Joel Karnofsky, Mathematica program for resistances, copied from article.
a(n) = A174284(n) + 1 for n <= 7, a(n) > A174284(n) + 1 otherwise. - Hugo Pfoertner, Nov 01 2020
a(n) is the number of elements in the union of the sets SetA337517(k), k <= n, counted by A337517. - Rainer Rosenthal, Feb 07 2021
a(n) counts all resistances that can be obtained with fewer than n resistors as well as with exactly n resistors. Without a resistor the resistance is infinite, i.e., a(0) = 1. One 1-ohm resistor adds resistance 1, so a(1) = 2. Two resistors in parallel give 1/2 ohm, while in series they give 2 ohms. So a(2) is the number of elements in the set {infinity, 1, 1/2, 2}, i.e., a(2) = 4. - Rainer Rosenthal, Feb 07 2021
See link.
Vaclav Kotesovec, Sep 02 2010
a(15) corrected and a(16) added by Hugo Pfoertner, Dec 06 2020
a(17) from Hugo Pfoertner, Dec 09 2020
a(0) from Rainer Rosenthal, Feb 07 2021
a(18) from Hugo Pfoertner, Apr 09 2021
a(19) from Zhao Hui Du, May 15 2023
a(20) from Zhao Hui Du, May 23 2023