Numbers n such that there exists some x >= 0 such that A000292(x+n) - A000292(x) is a square. Terms of this sequence, for which only a finite number of solutions x exist, are given in A176542.
Integer n is in the sequence if there exist non-degenerate solutions to the Diophantine equation: 8x^2 - n*y^2 - A077415(n) = 0. A degenerate solution is one involving triangular numbers with negative indexes.
The sum of n consecutive triangular numbers starting at the j-th is Sum_{k=j..j+n-1} A000217(k) = n*(n^2 + 3*j*n + 3*j^2 - 1)/6, see A143037. - R. J. Mathar, May 06 2015
0 is in the sequence because the sum of 0 consecutive triangular numbers is 0 (a square).
1 is in the sequence because there exist triangular numbers which are squares (cf. A001110).
2 is in the sequence because ANY 2 consecutive triangular numbers sum to a square.
3 is in the sequence because there are infinitely many solutions (cf. A165517).
4 is in the sequence because there infinitely many solutions (cf. A202391).
5 is NOT in the sequence because no 5 consecutive triangular numbers sum to a square.
For n=8, solutions to the Diophantine equation exist, but start at A000217(-2) and A000217(-6): 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 6 + 10 + 15 = 36 and 15 + 10 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 36. There are no non-degenerate solutions for n=8. Hence, 8 is not included in the sequence.
For n=11, there exist infinitely many solutions (cf. A116476), so 11 is in the sequence.
Andrew Weimholt, Apr 20 2010
More terms from Max Alekseyev, May 10 2010