Terms of A123239 which are primes in Z(sqrt(5)).

%I #13 Oct 30 2019 15:27:40

%S 2,3,13,37,67,73,83,103,107,157,193,227,277,307,313,347,367,373,397,

%T 433,443,467,523,547,563,577,587,613,673,683,733,757,787,827,853,877,

%U 883,947,967,997,1093,1117,1163,1187,1213,1223,1237,1283,1297

%N Terms of A123239 which are primes in Z(sqrt(5)).

%t MangammalQ[p_] := Block[{k = 3}, While[k > 2, k = Mod[3 k, p]]; k != 2];

%t A168483 = Select[Prime[Range[215]], MangammalQ[#] && MemberQ[{2, 3}, Mod[#, 5]] &] (* _Ray Chandler_, Jul 21 2011 *)

%Y Cf. A003631, A123239, A168367.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _A.K. Devaraj_, Nov 26 2009

%E Corrected and extended by _Ray Chandler_, Jul 21 2011