Lexicographically earliest injective sequence such that a(n) = A007953(a(a(n))), where A007953 = sum of digits (in base 10).
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 29, 13, 49, 15, 69, 17, 89, 19, 199, 21, 399, 23, 599, 25, 799, 27, 999, 30, 2999, 3999, 32, 5999, 34, 7999, 36, 9999, 38, 29999, 40, 49999, 42, 69999, 44, 89999, 46, 199999, 48, 399999, 499999, 51, 699999, 53, 899999, 55, 1999999, 57
"Lexicographically earliest" means that the sequence is constructed by choosing a(n) to be the smallest positive integer not leading to a contradiction; "injective" means that a number may occur only once, and is thereafter excluded from the possible choices for subsequent terms.
Open problems: (1) Prove that a(n) > n for all n > 9.
(2) Prove that the subsequence of terms not ending in "9" is strictly increasing.
(3) Prove the given formula for a(n).
(4) Find an explicit formula for indices n where a(n) = m*10^k - 1.
Eric Angelini, a(n) is the digitsum of a(a(n)), November 2009.
Eric Angelini, a(n) is the digitsum of a(a(n)) [Cached copy, with permission]
If n < 10 or n is in { a(1), ..., a(n-1) }, then a(n) = (n mod 9 + 1)*10^floor(n/9) - 1 (= n for n < 10).
Otherwise, a(n) = n+1 unless n+1 occurred earlier in the sequence (and therefore is of the form k*10^m - 1), in which case a(n) = n+2 (conjectured).
(PARI) /* This code is for illustration and "experimental verification"; several important simplifications could be made to compute a(n) efficiently. */
A167152(n, output=0, u=[])={ my(a=vector(n), k); for( i=1+#u, #a, if( setsearch( u, i )
, /* this index has already appeared, so this a(n) must have that digit sum */
k= ((i % 9)+1)*10^(i\9)-1; /* this k is the smallest number with digit sum i; this should work "at once" and the loop below should not be needed */
while( sumdigits(k) != i || setsearch(u, k), k+=10^(i\9-1)*9 /*e.g. to 89 we add 9*/)
, /* index has not yet appeared: choose smallest number not yet used and not leading to contradiction */
/* is it possible that a[i] = k < i ? Clearly a[i] = i iff i <= 9, else digsum(i)<i. */
k=1; while( setsearch(u, k) || (k<=i & sumdigits(if( k<i, a[k], i)) != k), k++);
)/*end if i in u */;
output & if( #output>1, write(output, i" "k), print1(k, ", ")); u=setunion( u, Set(a[i]=k))
)/* end for i */; k}
Sequence in context: A250410 A250409 A303002 * A246008 A344823 A064704
Eric Angelini and M. F. Hasler, Nov 02 2009
Edited by Charles R Greathouse IV, Aug 02 2010