Integers of pseudo-averages of at least two consecutive nonprime numbers of the form (a+b+c+..+z)/z, which can be expressed only ones.

%I #2 Mar 31 2012 12:38:26

%S 3,4,8,9,18,21,23,24,38,42,43,50,55

%N Integers of pseudo-averages of at least two consecutive nonprime numbers of the form (a+b+c+..+z)/z, which can be expressed only ones.

%C (4+6+8+9)/9=3, (9+10+12+14+15)/15=4,..

%t lst={};Do[a=0;If[ !PrimeQ[q],Do[If[ !PrimeQ[n],m=n;a+=m;e=a/n;If[IntegerQ[e]&&a!=n,If[e<92,AppendTo[lst,e],Break[]]]],{n,q,6000}]],{q,5200}];lst=Sort@lst;lst1={3};lst2={}; Do[If[lst[[n]]==lst[[n+1]]||lst[[n]]==lst[[n-1]],AppendTo[lst2,lst[[n]]],AppendTo[lst1,lst[[n]]]],{n,1,Length[lst]-1,1}]; lst1

%Y Cf. A165240

%K nonn,uned

%O 1,1

%A _Vladimir Joseph Stephan Orlovsky_, Sep 16 2009