We call these numbers "zipper numbers" because the factorization resembles a zipper both graphically and in the way one would go about summing the digits.
Zipper numbers are similar to vampire numbers, that is, there can be many ways to factor a number as a product of powers; e.g., 36=6^2, but one has to find the correct way, i.e., that will yield the same digit sum. Obviously, some restrictions must be made; e.g., the use of x^0 and 1^x is forbidden. Note that 8=4^1*2^1, 27=3^2*3^1 and 44=11^1*4^1 are not prime factorizations.
The consecutive numbers 25,26,27 can be called triple zippers or trip-zips; how many more are there? Prime numbers and powers of 10 can never be zippers.
From Ray Chandler, Apr 30 2010: (Start)
Triple zippers:
25 = 5^2, 26 = 2^1*13^1, 27 = 3^1*3^2;
182 = 13^1*14^1, 183 = 3^1*61^1, 184 = 2^1*2^2*23^1;
735 = 7^1*105^1, 736 = 2^3*4^1*23^1, 737 = 11^1*67^1;
902 = 22^1*41^1, 903 = 21^1*43^1, 904 = 2^1*2^2*113^1.
Quadruple zipper: 782 = 2^1*391^1, 783 = 3^3*29^1, 784 = 2^3*7^1*14^1, 785 = 5^1*157^1. (End)
Ray Chandler, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..253
The number 8 is a zipper number as it can be written as 8 = 4^1*2^1 and 8 = 4+1+2+1.
The number 36 can be factored as 36=2^2*3^2, and 3+6 = 9 = 2+2+3+2.
The number 121 can be factored as 121=11^2.
Yossi Elran (yossi.elran(AT) and Royi Lachmi, Jul 21 2009
Edited by N. J. A. Sloane, Jul 26 2009
a(8) and following from Ray Chandler, Apr 30 2010