Conjecture: If the condition holds, prime(k-1) and prime(k) are twin primes of the form 10m+1 and 10m+3. I.e., the last digits are 1 and 3.
This is so because prime(k-1)+5 square => possible ending digits of 0,1,4,5,6,9. To get ending digits for prime(k-1) we subtract 5 to get ending digits 5,6,9,0,1,4. So 1,9 are the only possible endings since 0,4,5,6 => prime(k-1) not prime, impossible. Now by the condition of equality, prime(k-1)+6 = prime(k+1). So if prime(k-1) ends in 9, prime(k-1)+6 ends in 5 => prime(k+1) not prime, impossible. Therefore prime(k-1) ends in 1 and by the condition of prime(k-1) and prime(k) being twin primes, prime(k) ends in 3. This sequence is a variation of the conjecture provided in the link.
The PARI script allows for general investigation of numbers of the form prime(k-1)+a and prime(k+1)-b. The values a=5,7; b=1 consistently yield twin primes when the condition holds. Notice we test for square of the first prime(k-1) retrieval before calling the second prime(k+1). This cuts the search time in half. A much faster and more inclusive program is in the Link.
Charles R Greathouse IV, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
Cino Hilliard, C Program [broken link]
S. M. Ruiz, Integer equal
Sebastian Martin Ruiz and others, Integers then Equals, digest of 7 messages in primenumbers Yahoo group, Mar 14 - Mar 20, 2009.
For k=6, prime(6-1) = 11, 11+5 = 16 = prime(6+1)-1 = 17-1 so 6 is the first term in the sequence.
(PARI) integerequal(m, n, a, b) = {local(x, p1, p2); for(x=m, n, p1=prime(x-1); if(issquare(p1+a), p2=prime(x+1); if((p1+a)==(p2-b), print(x", "p1", "prime(x))))); }
Cino Hilliard, Mar 19 2009
More terms from Alois P. Heinz, Sep 07 2016