%I #7 Nov 20 2014 17:08:21
%S 22,777,4444,200000,333000,333333,555555,660000,666666,700000,4444400,
%T 7700000,22333000,44445555,55556666,77700000,88888888,200000000,
%U 777770000,999900000,999999000,2222220000,22222200000,22333338888,28800000000,35555555505,111111000000,111777000000
%N Numbers n such that LS(n) divides n, where LS is the "Look and Say" function (A045918).
%e 777 is a member because it is three 7's, so LS(777) = 37 which divides 777.
%Y Cf. A045918, A079342.
%K base,nonn
%O 1,1
%A _David Wasserman_, Dec 15 2008
%E Definition corrected and more terms from _Sean A. Irvine_, Mar 17 2011