%I #8 Dec 29 2012 18:06:01
%S 59,25,38,2,19,37,52,33,46,48,59,37,25,25,32,8,26,1,10,34,55,48,6,15,
%T 47,63,14,50,32,21,14,53,29,17,62,49,14,5,2,22,38,19,60,55,16,52,52,
%U 11,56,41,42,40,18,20,42,57,47,11,21,35,29,40,54,18,41,61,8,43,36,23,6,4,14,8
%N The digits of Pi from BBP modulo 4 as symbols {0,1,2,3} interpreted as groups of symbols {a,b,c} in a 4^3==64 symbol set.
%C This sequence analogous to the 4 base DNA coding problem into length 3 codons. It interprets the digits of Pi as if they were a DNA coding sequence. There are 24 =4! ways that you can assign bases to the numbers/ symbols. This sequence is the answer to the question of how a normal "noise" with an equal appearing digits set could also be a code of information of an higher type.
%F BBP Pi digits modulo 4: a(n)=Floor[Mod[(4/(8*n + 1) - 2/(8*n + 4) - 1/(8*n + 5) - 1/(8*n + 6))*16^n, 4]].
%t Clear[a0, b0, c0, f, a, b, c]; f[n_] = Floor[Mod[(4/(8*n + 1) - 2/(8*n + 4) - 1/(8*n + 5) - 1/(8*n + 6))*16^n, 4]]; a0 = Table[{f[n], f[n + 1], f[n + 2]}, {n, 0, 300, 3}]; b0 = Flatten[Table[{a, b, c}, {a, 0, 3}, {b, 0, 3}, {c, 0, 3}], 2]; Length[b0]; c0 = Delete[Union[Flatten[Table[If[a0[[n]] == b0[[m]], {n,m}, {}], {n, 1, Length[a0]}, {m, 1, Length[b0]}], 1]], 1]; d0 = Table[c0[[n]][[2]], {n, 1, Length[c0]}]
%K nonn,base
%O 0,1
%A _Roger L. Bagula_ and _Gary W. Adamson_, Nov 29 2008