Indices in A050791 for the subsequence A141326.

%I #3 Nov 11 2010 07:34:06

%S 1,3,6,10,13,17,20,23,30,37,38,42,44,48,51,55,58,63,68,72,73,77,83,84,

%T 87,90,94,97,99,102,106,108,111,115,121,123,125,130,133,134,136,140,

%U 142,146,150,153,156,159,164,167,169,172

%N Indices in A050791 for the subsequence A141326.

%C The first difference of A145383(n) is used to define the sequence A145384, which is of particular interest.

%H Lewis Mammel, <a href="/A145383/b145383.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..122</a>

%F The defining equation is A050791(A145383(n)) = A141326(n).

%Y A050791, values of z where 1+z^3 = x^3 + y^3

%Y A141326, a subsequence of A050791 defined by a simple formula

%Y A145384, a sequence based on the first difference of A145383

%K easy,nonn

%O 1,2

%A Lewis Mammel (l_mammel(AT)att.net), Oct 10 2008