W. Lang, Sep 18 2008

a(n,m) tabl head (triangle) for A144280= S2hat(-3)

    n\m              1             2           3          4        5       6      7     8    9   10 ...

    1                1             0           0          0        0       0      0     0    0    0

    2                3             1           0          0        0       0      0     0    0    0

    3               21             3           1          0        0       0      0     0    0    0

    4              231            30           3          1        0       0      0     0    0    0

    5             3465           294          30          3        1       0      0     0    0    0

    6            65835          4599         321         30        3       1      0     0    0    0

    7          1514205         81081        4788        321       30       3      1     0    0    0

    8         40883535       1837836       84483       4869      321      30      3     1    0    0

    9       1267389585      47609100     1892835      85050     4869     321     30     3    1    0

   10      44358635475    1449052605    48681864    1903041    85293    4869    321    30    3    1

The row sums give A144281: [1,4,25,265,3793,70789,1600429,42811078,1316981794,45858363502,1781106761686,...].
They coincide with the row sums of the partition array M32(-3)=A144279.

The first three columns are given by A008545, A144282, A144283.

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