Nonnegative integers k such that 17*k+9 is prime.

%I #10 Feb 12 2020 04:40:30

%S 2,10,16,20,22,34,44,50,62,64,76,86,94,100,104,106,110,112,122,134,

%T 140,142,152,160,164,176,184,194,206,212,226,230,236,244,250,254,262,

%U 286,292,310,314,316,320,322,332,344,362,364,370,374,380,386,392,406,412

%N Nonnegative integers k such that 17*k+9 is prime.

%H Daniel Starodubtsev, <a href="/A138632/b138632.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%e 17*2+9=43, 17*10+9=179, 17*16+9=281, 17*20+9=349, 17*22+9=349, ...

%t a={};Do[x=17*n+9;If[PrimeQ[x],AppendTo[a,n]],{n,10^2}];a

%o (PARI) is(n) = isprime(17*n+9) \\ _Rémy Sigrist_, Oct 10 2019

%Y Cf. A138631.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Vladimir Joseph Stephan Orlovsky_, May 14 2008

%E More terms from _Rémy Sigrist_, Oct 10 2019