Decimal expansion of maximum possible value of A B C-8 omega^3.

%I #9 Feb 16 2025 08:33:06

%S 4,4,0,0,5,3,4,6,7,0,5,2,4,9,2,3,0,2,3,9,1,3,3,4,5,2,6,5,1,8,6,1,7,4,

%T 9,9,1,6,8,2,8,1,3,7,6,8,0,2,6,6,9,8,8,1,8,9,4,2,7,2,4,6,9,3,0,7,5,2,

%U 2,0,2,1,8,7,0,0,0,3,7,1,9,6,4,6,2,7,6,9,7,5,8,9,2,3,0,7,5,8,6,3,4,8,5,1,5

%N Decimal expansion of maximum possible value of A B C-8 omega^3.

%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="https://mathworld.wolfram.com/YffConjecture.html">Yff Conjecture</a>

%e 0.44005346705249230239...

%t f[a_] := a^2*(Pi - 2*a) - 8*ArcCot[2*Cot[a] - Cot[2*a]]^3; a0 = a /. FindRoot[f'[a] == 0, {a, 3/2}, WorkingPrecision -> 110]; RealDigits[f[a0], 10, 105] // First (* _Jean-François Alcover_, Feb 07 2013, after _Eric W. Weisstein_ *)

%Y Cf. A133844.

%K nonn,cons,changed

%O 0,1

%A _Eric W. Weisstein_, Sep 26 2007