Smallest prime containing all digits except n.

%I #4 Mar 31 2012 10:26:06

%S 1123465789,203457869,103456789,1012458679,102356789,102346789,

%T 1012345987,102345689,102345697,1012356487

%N Smallest prime containing all digits except n.

%e We have a(5) = 102346789 because this is the first almost-pandigital prime followed by 102346879, 102346897, 102347689, 102348679, 102348769, 102349867, 102364879, ... all devoid of digit 5.

%Y Cf. A073643.

%K fini,full,nonn,base

%O 0,1

%A _Lekraj Beedassy_, Dec 17 2007

%E a(3), a(6), a(9) corrected by _Ray Chandler_, Mar 06 2009